Sunday, September 22, 2019

Friday the 13th

Usually I don't give Friday the 13th to much credit. Ok, so what, it's just another day... But... This time, it's different.  It's not to often I wake up and things go wrong from start to finish.. but today it did.
I got out of bed, went to slip my house shoes on and BAM, ran my toes right into the metal legs of the bed! O*U*C*H!!!
Went to make my first cup of coffee for the day, turn around and tripped over our dog, a lab/pit mix, and thankfully not a single drop of coffee lands on her, it's all over me!!, but not her.
So I manage to get dressed and get out of the house without any other issues... the car starts fine, but my gas light is on.. 28 miles to empty, the gas station is 12 miles away, I've got this! I get to the gas station, say good morning to the attendant's.  Like usual, we are chatting across the busy store, I get my iced tea, and get in line behind 5 other people. Finally I got to the counter, the attendant's and I are laughing at something silly someone else had said on their way out the door, I told the attendant I need $30 in gas on pump 15, and my iced tea... she rings me up, I slide my card in the machine.. we wait, still chatting, annnd.. my card declined.. wait.. what? Let's try this again, I slide my card into the machine again, we wait.. again.. declined! (Insert face palm here).. well.. with a sigh.. let me run across the street and get some cash, I will be back.. I paid for my iced tea with the dollar and change I had in my wallet and left.  I drove across the street pulled into the drive through of the bank, I need to pull $100 from my account, with a smile the bank teller says "Sure!, just one minute!" So again... I wait... a few minutes later she comes back and says "Ma'am, I can't give you $100.00... you don't have it in
your account. " well... fudgesicles.. how much do we have? As politely as she can, she says ma'am, you have $2.17 in your account... well ok.. I've got to get cash for the shop, so let me pull this from the company account, I pull out my account information and send it through the drawer to the teller, she sends my personal account info back to me and says "Sure! No problem! I will be right back!" ... so again..  I'm waiting... she came back again and leans as close to the window as she can, (I think she's trying to whisper through the speaker), "Ma'am, I can't give you anything from this account either "... at this point.. it's not unexpected... today is absolutely going to be THAT day... I politely say thank you, she hands me a print out, not only is the company account empty as well, but the overdraft protection has been pulled from the account and there is less than $4.00 in that
account... (insert ANOTHER face palm here!) And I drive away, with 11 miles in the tank, no funds... and a long, long day ahead of me... 
The shop is less than a mile from the bank, so i will figure it out at some point today... and I head for the shop!
I unlock the door, turn on the light's, take a deep breath and proceed to go through my morning routine, first things first, I desperately need a cup of coffee. Coffee cup in hand, I head for the breakroom, i stopped at the register to turn it on, set my cup down beside the register, pull my bar stool up to the workbench/computer, sit down, go to push myself back up... and the bottom crossbar breaks right off the chair... annnd.... I STILL HAVE NO COFFEE! ok, I go on a search to find my coffee cup and oh look, my exacto knife on the workbench, I better put that over in the cup on the table by the cricut, and there sits the vinyl I picked out to put on MY tumbler (I finally decided what I wanted), I had better put this up on the shelf so I don't goof and use it for something else... I place it on the corner shelf, and hmmm... there was something else I should do while I'm here.. what is it? So I start looking around and I still can't figure it out.. The phone rings, I answer it, coming from the other end of the line "Don't hang up! This is an important message (oh my... what is important?) We've been trying to reach you to update your google listing! Please hold and someone will be with you shortly... OMG! I hung up, grab my coffee cup, put it up to my mouth... I still haven't made my cup of coffee (insert another facepalm HERE!) So I turn around, trip over the rocking chair, bounce off the register stand, catch myself with my elbow into the wall... I stand straight up, still holding my coffee cup... CAREFULLY walk into the breakroom to fix my cup of coffee... open the top of my kuerig, take out the kcup, toss it over my shoulder into the trash can, reach up grab a fresh kcup from the cabinet above... and toss it over my shoulder into the trashcan also... eyie,eyie,eyie... Today is NOT going to be my day... I turn around and dig out that kcup (those things are expensive when you're broke!) I CAREFULLY navigated the rest of my day, reasonably unscathed... I pawned my dewalt drill set to have gas money to get back home... and I pray for a better day tomorrow... usually I don't give Friday the 13th a brief thought... But today... Today... makes me wonder if it's truly a cursed day after all....

Friday, September 13, 2019

Thanks for Stopping by!

Hey Everyone, 
 It's Suzanne and Stephanie! Thanks for taking the time out to visit our Blog! Our aim is to make our blog about life and every aspect of it. We're a couple of Jacks of all trades and we want this blog to be full of knowledge, advice, and stories just like we are.  We're so happy to start this adventure with you! We're excited to share, create, and laugh together as we learn new things, share the old, and teach you what mistakes to NOT make along the way... If you want to hear a little more about us and who we are visit our "About Suzanne" & "About Stephanie" pages!

Enchilada Stacks

Enchilada Stacks

  • 1 head of Romain Lettuce, 
  • 1- diced Vidalia Onion, 
  • 1 lb Shredded Cheese 
  • 2- diced Roma tomatoes (or fresh garden tomatoes) 
  • 2- small cans (or one large) 
  • Old El Paso Enchilada sauce (use the can, not the dry pack seasoning) 
  • Crisco. 
  • 8 large eggs 
  • 15 corn tortillas 

I usually make this for a family of 4, so adjust accordingly. 

Chop all your vegetables and put them in bowls in whatever order you want them in, (my family does lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese, then back to the Crisco) put two large scoops of Crisco in a small skillet over a medium to low heat, put a can of enchilada seasoning in small skillet (reasonably close together) also in medium to low heat. - kick your oven on to 200 degrees and let it warm up, be sure to use oven safe dishes!

When the Crisco is warm, not smoking hot, but warm enough you see the ripples in the bottom of the skillet, put the first tortilla in it, it should immediately get soft, and then a few seconds later start getting crisp, at this point, I pull it out of the Crisco and slip it into the enchilada sauce, let it cook for a couple of minutes until it's soft again, use a pair of tongs and pull the tortilla out of the sauce and put it on the plate... Now, you can add your veggies, Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese and place it back near the stove. add another corn tortilla to the Crisco and do the same process again, except this time, when it comes out of the enchilada sauce, you're going to stack it on top of all of this goodness and do it again. for each person I make 1 stack of three, sometimes if someone is super hungry I will do two stacks of two. My mother in law can only handle one stack of two... a good rule of thumb is how many taco's can said person eat, that's about how many tortilla's you'll want to put on their plate. when I've stacked each persons plate up with all this yummy goodness, I slip it into the oven and let the cheese melt a little, this doesn't take long. before I take them to the table where there are hot pads in each place, I top it off with a little more enchilada sauce. 

Now, what are the eggs for? Let me tell you! Fry the eggs in the Crisco, when you put the eggs in the skillet, the grease is already warm enough it shouldn't stick to the bottom. splash a little bit of grease over the top, to cook the white, but not all of the yolk... and put those two eggs on top of your enchilada's! This is YUMMY, quick and simple!

Sorry We're Still New!

Hey There!  Obviously we are a work in progress and as the days come and the creative juices get flowing, there will be more to see here. I hope you stick around and enjoy what we have in store!

Friday the 13th

Usually I don't give Friday the 13th to much credit. Ok, so what, it's just another day... But... This time, it's different...